`Cash and Save` Co-Op GasWithCash ProjectOffers$100 Pre-Paid gas cards and CASH Distributions

Released on = June 26, 2006, 9:27 am

Press Release Author = Ellany Rayne / \"Cash & Save\" Co-Op..Member

Industry = Financial

Press Release Summary =
An Ingenious, Financial Assistant Program to ease the pain at the Pump and Pocket,
with the High Gas cost dilemma

Press Release Body =
\"Cash & Save\" Co-Op is a Program that
has been put together to allow the
consumer to relieve the pocket from
the cost of fuel and to supplement
their income to meet daily needs in
an easier fashion.

The program has been out since December
and is in a major increase in members.
It has taken a few member to take the
lead to show others that this program
REALLY works, is legit, is generous, is
looking out for the consumer and those
who wish to help themselves and others
by sharing the \"GasWithCash\" program.

Another term used is the \"Gasoline Plus\"
Program because this Project or Program
offers more than pre-paid gas cards.

New sources of prepaid gas cards are being
added to the list: Shell / Wal-Mart / Mobil/
Exxon / Sunoco /Citgo / Speedway / Kroger /
flying J / BP

It offers assistance in our regular gift
shopping as well as needed merchandise for
the family/home. When a person pays their
\"ONE TIME OUT OF POCKET\" fee of $250. They
will receive 2 shopping catalogs from 2
reputable companies. Plus they will get 2
groups of coupons. One for 50% off merchan-
dise and another for 70% off merchandise.
High quality beautiful merchandise accompany
these catalogs.

When we run out of the $1,000. worth of
coupons, we only have to let the office
know and they will send us more. How
generous is that?

* This is the first of the BLESSINGS
that start rolling in after the $250.
Cash, Membership fee makes it\'s way to
the office through Priority Mail.
The safest way to send ANY valuables
one wishes to be delivered to the
destination. A confirmation slip is
obtained and can be tracked by phone
or internet.

* The second BLESSING is had when a
member shares the program with TWO
persons. They also join the program
for $250. as does EVERY SINGLE PERSON.

Now the member who shares the program w
ith 2 persons will receive their FIRST
$100. prepaid gas card!

This is an exciting time, when you go
to your mail box and receive your gas
card! You see how your membership fee
is going to work for you.

* The Third BLESSING is when you have
HELPED your two new members introduce
their 2 new members receive the same
blessings. This makes a 6 member team
that will follow you through several
cycles where the gas cards increase to
TWO $100. gas cards and a Cash
distribution of $200./ $300. / $500.
and more on the consecutive cycles.

* At the end of Phase 4 a person receives
a $500. Shopping Spree or a prepaid card
to a department store of their choice.

These sources are being added to like the
gasoline sources. Now: Wal-Mart / Home Depot
/ Target / Sears etc. AWESOME!

The totals of Phase l -lV are:

Cash Received $2.650.00
Pre-Paid Gas Cards $500.00
One Shoppping Spree $500.00
Three positions in Phase l $750.00

Grand Total $4,400.00

Now these Three New positions go with
you in the next phase of the system.
This time Tripling the BLESSINGS!

For you who are looking for a Home
Business and share our \"Cash & Save\"
Project. You only need to have a concern
for others and your self.

\"Together We Prosper...And We ARE!\"

Web Site = http://www.gaswithcash.com

Contact Details =
\"Cash & Save\" Co-Op Members
Ellany Rayne & Brian Williams
ID: ER-9713 / 607-754-9713

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